ElasticSearch:How to programmatically update settings of an existing index

The goal of this ticket is to show how to update programmatically the settings of anelastic ElasticSeach index. I will take as example the ElaticSeachsynonyms. Imagine that for a specific index, you have the following synonyms settings:

 "analysis": {
      "filter": {
        "synonym_filter": {
          "type": "synonym",
          "ignore_case": true,
          "synonyms": [
            "Romania, RO",
            "Belgium, BE"

Now, imagine (also) that you want to add a new entry into the synonyms lists (“France, FR”). You could do this by using the ElasticSearch  REST interface (please go here if you want to know more Elasticsearch: updating the mappings and settings of an existing index) or you can use the Java API offered by ElasticSearch to do the same task programmatically:

//close the index before the update
client.admin().indices().close(new CloseIndexRequest(indexName));

//update the synonyms
                        //setting prefix
                        //group name
                        new String[] {"0", "1", "2"},
                        new String []{

//open the index
client.admin().indices().open(new OpenIndexRequest(indexName));


Useful links:

ElasticSearch Doc – Update Indices Settings

(Unofficial) ElasticSearch Java API for the IndicesAdminClieant interface

(Unofficial) ElasticSearch Java API for the ImmutableSettings.Builder.put method