How to fill-in programmatically ProForma forms into Jira Issues

The goal of this ticket is to present how to programmatically fill-in ProForma form fields that are part of a Jira issue.


Jira is a very popular issue tracking product. The Jira functionalities can be extended via different plugins that can be found on Jira Marketplace. One of this plug-ins is ProForma Forms that is a plug-in for building forms and checklists directly into Jira.


Most of the Jira functionalities are also accessible programmatically via a REST APIs and ProForma also offers a REST API to programmatically manipulate forms. But taking a closer look to the ProForma API, there is no entry point for filling-in the fields of a form:

ProForma API for interacting with forms into an Jira Issue


The (logical) workflow of (programmatically) add a form to an issue is to :

  1. Create the issue (using Jira API)
  2. Attach the desired form/s to the issue (using the ProForma API entry point /rest/proforma/1/issue/{issueKey}/form )
  3. Fill in the form/s fields (no API to do this)
  4. Submit the form/s (using the ProForma API entry point /rest/proforma/1/issue/{issueKey}/form/{formId}/submit)

To fill in the fields programmatically it is possible to :

  • During the form design add a default answer so the form will be pre-fill with this default answer
  • During the form design link each of the form fields to Jira fields and fill in this Jira fields during the creation of the Jira issue:

For more information about how to link ProForma fields to Jira fields you can see also this: Linking ProForma Fields to Jira Fields