Introduction to Web Assembly for Java engineers


The goal of this ticket is to present the different technological components of WebAssembly  in comparison with the Java technological stack.

Why comparing WebAssembly with Java ? I think that WebAssembly have more chances to succeed in achieving the slogan “Write once, run anywhere” that have been coined  more than 25 years ago to illustrate the cross-platform benefits of the Java language.

WebAssembly is a standard that contains a virtual Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) for a stack machine. WebAssembly is designed to run on a virtual machine. The virtual machine allows WebAssembly to run on a variety of computer hardware and digital devices but today the most common way to execute WebAssembly code is from browsers.

In a nutshell the comparison will be done using the following points of interest and the next image is summarizing this:

  • Executable Code
  • Programming Languages
  • ToolChains/Compilers
  • Execution Environment

Executable Code

Both technologies, WebAssembly and Java have the notion of executable code.

In Java this is called bytecode and is part of the JVM specification, see See Chapter 4. The class File Format and Chapter 6. The Java Virtual Machine Instruction Set of the The Java Virtual Machine Specification.

In WebAssembly this is called WASM. Actually there are 2 formats; a binary format and a text, human readable format called WAT (WebAssembly Text).

Java bytecode and WebAssembly (WASM) are both low-level, platform-independent binary formats but there are some notable differences:

  • Java bytecode is strongly typed. It has a well-defined type system that enforces type safety. WebAssembly is designed with a more loosely typed system. It operates on a set of basic value types, including integers, floats, and vectors.
  • Java bytecode has built-in support for object-oriented programming features, including classes, interfaces, and inheritance. WebAssembly is more low-level compared to Java bytecode and lacks the rich type system found in Java bytecode.
  • Java bytecode runs in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which manages memory automatically, including garbage collection. WebAssembly provides a linear memory model, which is essentially a resizable array of bytes. It allows more direct memory access and manipulation.
  • The JVM abstracts the memory management, making it relatively opaque to developers. In WebAssembly the developers have explicit control over memory allocation and deallocation making it potentially more error-prone.

Programming Language

To develop applications, Java developers have to use the Java language. In contrast, WebAssembly is intentionally crafted to serve as a versatile and language-agnostic platform suitable for a broad spectrum of programming languages.

WebAssembly supports an array of programming languages, including but not limited to C/C++, R, TypeScript (using the AssemblyScript language), Scala, Kotlin, and even Java.

Furthermore,WebAssembly offers a human-readable text format known as WAT. It is designed to be a more readable and writable representation of WebAssembly code compared to the binary format.


In order to transform the Java source code into bytecode, the Java developers are using a compiler. The WebAssembly have a similar concept; compilers or toolchains to transform the source code into wasm. Here are a few examples of toolschains:

  • wat2wasm – a command-line tool provided by the WABT (WebAssembly Binary Toolkit)  and its purpose is to convert WebAssembly Text Format code to the binary WebAssembly format (Wasm). The WAT also includes an wasm2wat tool which converts Wasm to Wat.
  • emscriptem – an open-source compiler toolchain that translates C and C++ code into WebAssembly (Wasm) or JavaScript.
  • wasm-pack – to generate WebAssembly from Rust language.
  • AssemblyScript – is a subset of TypeScript specifically designed for WebAssembly.
  • TeaVM – an ahead-of-time compiler for Java bytecode that emits JavaScript and WebAssembly that runs in a browser. Moreover, the source code is not required to be Java, so TeaVM successfully compiles Kotlin and Scala.

Execution Environment

In the Java case the execution environment is the Java Virtual Machine.In the case of WebAssembly there are multiple ways to execute an application.

The initial execution environment for which  WebAssembly was created is the browser. All the modern browsers are offering support for WebAssembly execution; the execution performance is near-native.

Running WebAssembly on browsers have a few constraints:

  • WebAssembly runs in a sandboxed environment within the browser for security reasons. While this is generally beneficial, it also imposes restrictions on certain operations, such as direct access to the DOM or file system. Interactions with the browser environment are typically done through JavaScript
  • WebAssembly modules cannot directly access browser APIs. Interactions with the DOM, events, and other browser features are typically done through JavaScript, requiring careful coordination between the two.
  • Browsers impose memory constraints on WebAssembly applications to ensure a secure and stable user experience. The memory allocated to a WebAssembly module is limited, and exceeding these limits can result in termination of the module.
  • Loading and parsing WebAssembly modules can take time, especially for larger applications. The initial loading time may be impacted, affecting the user experience.

Node.js has support for WebAssembly on the server side through the wasm module. This module allows you to load and interact with WebAssembly modules directly in your Node.js applications.

Last but not least, the WebAssembly Working Group, which is a part of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) created WebAssembly System Interface (WASI). The goal of WASI is to provide a standardized set of interfaces that allows WebAssembly modules to interact with the host environment in a secure, and platform-independent manner.

WASI defines a system interface that includes a set of system calls, similar to traditional operating system interfaces. The standard also provides a sandboxed execution environment for WebAssembly modules, ensuring that they have limited and controlled access to the host system.

WASI aims to be platform-independent, allowing WebAssembly modules to run on different operating systems without modification. This is achieved by defining a standardized set of system calls that abstract away the specifics of the underlying host system.

Various WebAssembly execution environments, also known as runtimes, are incorporating the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI). Notable examples include wasmtime, a standalone WebAssembly runtime developed by the Bytecode Alliance; lucet-WASI, a high-performance WebAssembly compiler and runtime created by Fastly; and  wasi-libc, serving as the WASI Reference Implementation.

It’s worth mentioning that Docker started implementing WASI last year, enabling native execution of WebAssembly (wasm) files. For additional information, you can refer to the details provided in the announcement of Docker+Wasm Technical Preview 2.