How to upload (big) files to Jenkins job as build parameter


Originally, Jenkins had a mechanism to upload files as build parameters but this mechanism was rather faulty (see JENKINS-27413 and JENKINS-29289 ).

A new mechanism was proposed (for Jenkins2 only) via the File Parameter plug-in. The plug-in offers the possibility to capture files as build parameters like this:

def fb64 = input message: 'upload', parameters:  [base64File('file')]
node {
    withEnv(["fb64=$fb64"]) {
        sh 'echo $fb64 | base64 -d'


If you look closer to the File Parameter plug-in documentation it said that: “You can use Base64 parameters for uploading small files in the middle of the build”. What does it means “small files” in terms of size is not mentioned but if you try the previous example with files bigger than 2 kBytes then the job will fail with the following error: error=7, Argument list too long
        at java.lang.UNIXProcess.forkAndExec(Native Method)
        at java.lang.UNIXProcess.<init>(
        at java.lang.ProcessImpl.start(
        at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
Caused: Cannot run program "nohup" (in directory "/var/jenkins_cache/workspace/testproject"): error=7, Argument list too long


What is the root cause of this exception ? I’m not exactly sure but I think that  sh echo $fb64 | base64 -dcommand will transfer as environment variable the file to the Jenkins slave executing the job and something into this transfer mechanism is not very robust.

I propose two ways to workaround this problem:

Solution 1: Don’t send the uploaded file as environment variable to sh

Don’t send the uploaded file as environment variable to ‘sh‘ and write the file directly into the workspace:

withEnv(["fb64=$fb64"]) {
        def  decoded = new String(fb64.decodeBase64())
        writeFile file:"uploaded_file.txt", text: decoded
        sh 'cat ${WORKSPACE}/uploaded_file.txt'

The drawback of this solution is that you’ll have to write the uploaded file somewhere into your workspace, so if you want to store it into another location then you’ll have to add some extra steps to the pipeline.

Solution 2: Don’t use withEnv pipeline step

The second solution is not using the withEnv pipeline step and just directly use the sh echo $fb64 | base64 -dcommand from a script step:

         sh "set +x; echo '$fb64' | base64 -d > /tmp/uploaded_file.txt"
         cat '/tmp/uploaded_file.txt'

Please note that I’m using the “set +x” before the echo command in order to inhibit the output of the command so the Jenkins console/log is not filled-in with base64 encoded characters. Also in this solution you have the freedom to chose the destination of the uploaded file.

ElasticSearch:How to enable scripting on the embedded server

The goalelastic

In this ticket I will present all the required steps in order to enable the scripting on an embedded elasticsearch server. I will not explain how to create and use an embedded server but if you need more infos you can read this ticket Embedded Elasticsearch Server for Tests.

If you execute a script within the embedded server the following exception will be thrown;

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: script_lang not supported [xxxxx]
    at  org.elasticsearch.script.ScriptService.getScriptEngineServiceForLang(

 Code changes

 The easiest way to create an embedded server is the following one:

 Node node = NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder()
              .local (true)
               //add settings here
              .node ();

The problem with this approach is that the NodeBuilder.node() method it will create a node class with an empty list of plug-ins; see the NodeBuilder.node code:

    * Builds the node without starting it.
    public Node build() {
        return new Node(;
    //Node(Settings) constructor
     * Constructs a node with the given settings.
     * @param preparedSettings Base settings to configure the node with
     public Node(Settings preparedSettings) {
                .prepareEnvironment(preparedSettings, null),
             Collections.<Class<? extends Plugin>>emptyList());

In order to create a node having a list of desired plug-ins the second constructor of the Node class should be used:

protected Node(
                Environment tmpEnv, 
                Version version, 
                Collection<Class<? extends Plugin>> classpathPlugins)

The problem with this (second) constructor is that it is protected so we will need to extend the Node class to be able to use the protected constructor and we will need to extend also the NodeBuilder class in order to use the new Node class.

And here is the code:

  //PluginNode class 
  private static class PluginNode extends Node {
      public PluginNode(Settings preparedSettings, List<Class<? extends Plugin>> plugins) {
         super(InternalSettingsPreparer.prepareEnvironment(preparedSettings, null), Version.CURRENT, plugins);

  //PluginNodeBuilder class
  public class PluginNodeBuilder extends NodeBuilder {
        private List<Class<? extends Plugin>> plugins = new ArrayList<>();
        public PluginNodeBuilder() {
        //new method to add plug-ins       
        public PluginNodeBuilder addPlugin(Class<? extends Plugin> plugin) {
            return this;

        //use the new PluginNode to build a node 
        public Node build() {
            return new PluginNode(settings().build(), plugins);

And how to use the new node builder:

 Node node = new PluginNodeBuilder()
                .local (true)
                 //add settings here
                .node ();

Enable scripting feature

Using the previous Java code it will not be sufficient to execute the scripts; you must also use the right settings at the server creation and add the (Maven) dependencies to your classpath.

Server settings

 Node node = new PluginNodeBuilder()
                .local (true)
                .settings (Settings.settingsBuilder ()
                     //this is common for all languages
                     .put ("script.inline", true)
                     //this are the settings for the groovy language
                     .put ("script.engine.groovy.inline.mapping", true)
                     .put ("", true)
                     .put ("script.engine.groovy.inline.update", true)
                     .put ("script.engine.groovy.inline.plugin", true)
                     .put ("script.engine.groovy.inline.aggs", true)
                     //this are the settings for the expression language
                     .put ("script.engine.expression.inline.mapping", true)
                     .put ("", true)
                     .put ("script.engine.expression.inline.update", true)
                     .put ("script.engine.expression.inline.plugin", true)
                     .put ("script.engine.expression.inline.aggs", true)

If you more details about all the possible settings options you can look to the ElasticSearch Scripting documentation.

Maven dependencies

For the expression language:



For the groovy language:
